21 January 2008

Dental Aftermath & Assorted Ponderings and Links

I'm about to sleep soon. I'm still in Hattiesburg.

The dental visit took more out of me than I had anticipated. I arrived for my 8:15 a.m. and left at 1:15 p.m. My old iPod mini ran out of battery power shortly before I completed my visit.

I've been taking it easy as well as Advil for pain. Things should be okay now. I've got another appointment with the dentist in a month.

I've been vegging this evening. I've been surfing the web, playing a little Scrabulous.

I got this book from another library last week. I've always liked the work of Milton Caniff, but really have been only familiar with his Steve Canyon work, but he made his name with Terry and the Pirates.

So far it's been an outstanding read. I've recently found out about a new series that IDW is publishing. So far, the first two books have been released. They look like they'll be interesting too.

I was reading Shifted Librarian a few days ago, and thanks to Jenny, I looked at these sites. The first is entertaining:

The second is historical, a flickr site devoted to photos taken of Normandy during World War II. Fascinating.

And lastly I took the Zombie Apocalypse Test:


Thanks go to Lorelei Leigh for the link to the test.


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