27 August 2007

Quiet Weekend

I arrived at the college a little after 1 p.m. I spent the weekend in Hattiesburg.

I saw my old high school play Friday night. Before the game, I thought they would lose, but when I saw the teams practice I thought my alma mater had a good chance to win. And they did-- winning 21-14.1

I saw some of my old classmates at the game. I'd not seen one in several years. I might have seen her maybe only one other time since graduation back in 1985. We chatted briefly.

After the game, I drove to my mother's house. Including a stop at the local Cold Stone Creamery, I arrived about an hour after the game ended.

I watched her shop Saturday. It was pretty quiet because it rained pretty hard and consistently. I got the chance to read two books.2 Sunday was also quiet.
1I expected a Heidelberg loss since Simpson is traditionally very good in MPSA Class AA competition, winning titles in 2003, 2004, and 2005. I saw that Heidelberg (a Class A school) had more players on its roster than Simpson, and that the Cougars (that's Simpson) only had a 20-man (maybe 21 players) roster, I figured that the Rebels (that's Heidelberg) had a decent chance of wearing out the Cougars late in the game, and that's exactly what happened.

2In at the Death and Hard Row.


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