26 December 2005

Boxing Day

I am at work. I'm on 52-week contract with the college, which means when the college is open for business, I am there unless I decide to take some annual leave.

I could have come in later this morning, but realized I needed to get some business done, so I left my mother's house a little after midnight. I arrived in Clinton a little after 1:30 this morning.

I woke up at 7:30, accomplished the errands I needed to run, and am now at work. I've done some interlibrary loan work. We had some requests that could be filled. Also, one of our instructors had requested some books. One arrived today. There's still one other book request remaining.

In early news, it looks like the Bush Administration is on the side of Anna Nicole Smith in her Supreme Court case. Anna Nicole Smith and the Supreme Court. Who would have thought?


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