19 February 2006

The USA's got a fever, and the only prescription is...

What? You thought I was going to say more cowbell?


At 19 February, 2006 17:29, Blogger librarian pirate said...

Just wanted you to know - this made me giggle like a school girl.

Also wanted to say hi. I've been lurking around your blog for awhile - drawn to the title (LOVED the book Sir Apropos of Nothing more than I can say), and really for the most part I just read it and giggle. Thought I'd share.

At 19 February, 2006 20:23, Blogger The Library Guy said...

Hi there & thanks! I'm glad you like this. I saw the Walken banner on a chatpage I frequently access & couldn't resist putting it here.

I've read Sir Apropos of Nothing as you might have guessed & enjoyed it. The book's not the main reason why my blog has this title, but it's certainly contributed in its own way.


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