21 June 2006

Wednesday Weariness

It's Wednesday evening and I'm at work? Yes, work. One of my co-workers wasn't feeling well today, and she works on Wednesday nights. Since I didn't have anything planned, I volunteered to work for her this evening. Tonight is yet another indication that I don't have much of a life.

I'm here for another 45 minutes. It's been quiet. There are students who are working on projects for their speech class. This class, incidentally, is the night class I spoke to last week.

I've worked on projects today. However, the closer it gets to the end of an 11-hour workday, the more I just want to relax and sleep-- perchance to dream-- or something like that.

Where is that from anyway?


Ah. Hamlet.

As I mentioned the other day, I'll be off for a couple weeks. I need some time away from work to recharge my mental batteries.

In the meantime, I don't have to be at work until mid-morning tomorrow. Sleep will be most welcome tonight and, of course, dreams.


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