21 December 2006

Thoughts on the Last Work Day of 2006

Nearing the end of such a hectic year as 2006 has proved to be, I've been tired the past few days. I've not had much sleep this week.

Normally my job requires that I come in late to work on Monday afternoons. However, with school not being in session, I've had to come in to work early Monday morning. I am so not a morning person.

I've also been out some a lot of the past few evenings. Whether it's attending Christmas parties, going out to places and visiting with friends old and new, or just going out and trying not to get bored this holiday season.

I had thought about going to the Mississippi Coliseum and see Mississippi State play the University of New Orleans tonight, but decided against it. I don't know what I'll do. I need to relax and perhaps sleep for a bit this evening before going out some tonight and tomorrow.

On the other hand, I might just have one last cup of coffee before I head back to the house.


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